Instructions for authors/paper submission
To submit your manuscript to Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, please click here:
(Si vous souhaitez soumettre un article à Innovations, revue d'économie et management de l'innovation, veuillez le déposer à l'adresse suivante
1) Submission of special issues : link to the form
2) Paper submission
To facilitate online submission, please prepare:
- The title of the article
- The name(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail address(es) of the author(s)
- 5 keywords
- JEL Codes: (
- An abstract (150 words maximum). It should include the presentation of 1- the research question and its pertinence regarding the existing literature on the subject 2- the methodology used 3- the main results and major conclusions.
- A title page. It should include the name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) of the author(s), the e-mail address(es) of the author(s) (this title page is for production purpose; reviewers do not have access to this file).
- An anonymous file (word format) that does noes exceed 10 000 words including the title of the article, the abstract, the keywords and the JEL codes, the article with the tables and figures (do not include your identity in the title of the file.doc).
The manuscript is sent to two anonymous reviewers. The editorial team then accepts, rejects or asks authors to revise and resubmit their paper. Two versions of the revised manuscript are required: one with your changes highlighted along with a "clean" version. A detailed answer to reviewers’ comments is also required.
3) Ethics Charter — Information and Recommendations
Text formatting
Maximum length: 10 000 words Single-spaced Space and indentation: zero Times New Roman 12 Text and figures in black and white Page margins: 2,5cm Justified text Page numbers placed at the bottom of each page, Times New Roman 12, centered
Title of the article in capital letters and bold Leave an empty line Surname (lowercase letters) NAME (capital letters), bold Affiliation (do not use abbreviations) Email address Leave 2 empty lines
No space nor indentations between paragraphs
Titles of parts: capital letters, bold, leave 2 empty lines before and 1 empty line after Level 1 headings: bold, roman, leave 1 empty line before and 1 empty line after Other headings: bold, italic, leave an empty line before and 1 empty line after
Times New Roman 10, justified, single-spaced, no indentation Always use footnotes instead of endnotes Keep footnotes to a minimum References to footnotes are numbered consecutively
All words in foreign language (French, etc.) or in Latin should be in italics: idem, ibid., cf., versus, e.g., i.e., et al ., Exception: etc. is not in italics
Graphs and figures, in jpg format, are inserted into the text as images Presentation of the titles of figures, graphs and tables e.g.: Figure 1 – The linear model
Mathematical formula are inserted into the text as images.
- Quotes in the text are in italics and in inverted commas “…” - When, in a quote in italics, the author highlights a word or a part of a sentence, these elements should be in roman e.g.: ‘Technical progress is a black box that economists should open’. - Reference in the body of the text should include, between brackets, the name of the author, the date of publication and the page number of the quote. e.g.: (Schumpeter, 1949, p. 438)
- Above 10 000, separate thousands by a space: e.g.: 5500 but 10 500 - no space before %: 15%
1) Article -Article in French ARENA, R., NAVARRO, C. (2010), Permanence et évolution dans le Revue d’économie industrielle: trente ans de publications, Revue d’économie industrielle, 129-130, 381-401. -Article in English BAYO-MORIONES, A., LERA-LOPEZ, F. (2007), A Firm-Level Analysis of Determinants of ICT Adoption in Spain, Technovation, 27(6-7), 352-366. COOPER, R. B., ZMUD, R. W. (1990), Information Technology Implementation Research: A Technological Diffusion Approach, Management Science, 36(2), 123-139.
2) Book GIULIANI, E., MORRISON, A., RABELLOTTI, R. (2011), Innovation and Technological Catch-Up. The Changing Geography of Wine Production, Cheltenham, Northampton, Mass, Edward Elgar. JAFFE, D. (1971), Credit Rationing and the Commercial Loan Market, New York, Wiley. TIROLE, J. (1993), Théorie de l’organisation industrielle, Paris, Economica.
3) Chapter GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., MORANA, J. (2011), Collaborative Transportation Sharing: From Theory to Practice Via A Case Study from France, in Yearwood, J. L., Stranieri, A. (eds), Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches, Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, 252-271. JULIEN, P.-A. (2003), Innovation et entrepreneuriat, in Mustar P., Penan H. (dir.), Encyclopédie de l’innovation, Paris, Economica, 167-178.
4) Symposium/Conference BLANQUART, C., CARBONE, V. (2010), Pratiques collaboratives et démarche environnementale dans la supply chain: mythe ou réalité?, The 8th International Conference on Logistics and SCM Research, September 29- 30 and October 1st, Bordeaux.
5) Thesis NYGAARD, S. (2008), Co-Evolution of Technology, Markets and Institutions? The Case of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology in Europe, Ph Dissertation, Lund University publishing. ZÉROUAL, T. (2010), Les politiques de transport durable peuvent-elles favoriser un transport de marchandises propre ? Une application au commerce de détail de la région Nord Pas-de-Calais, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Lille 1.
6) Report ERNST & YOUNG, (2003), Evaluation à mi-parcours des incubateurs d’entreprises innovantes liées à la recherche publique, Rapport de synthèse final. MINISTÈRE DE L’ÉCOLOGIE, DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DE L’ÉNERGIE (2012), Information CO2 des prestations de transport, Application de l’article L. 1431-3 du code des transports, Guide méthodologique, 236p.
7) Working paper ARDUIN, D., NASCIA, L., ZANFEI, A. (2010), Complementary Approaches to the Diffusion of ICT: Empirical Evidence on Italian Firms, Working Paper, 2010-02 Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. ARVANITIS, S. (2003), Information Technology, Workplace Organization, Human Capital and Firm Productivity: Evidence for the Swiss Economy, Working Paper, 2003-78, Zurich, Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research. SARGENT, T., SIMS, C. (1977), Business Cycle Modeling without Pretending to have too much a priori Economic Theory, Working Papers 55, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. |
Since the entire text of JIE&M is distributed via the internet site, all authors accept that their article will be published in electronic format.